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I work with people like you who are carrying too much. Who are stressed, stuck, and burning out. I guide you in releasing the conditioning that got you here—far away from yourself—so that you can come back to your own centered clarity.

I’m a somatic coach who helps people give up perfectionism and self-doubt(and release the fear, anger, stress, and shame that go along with them).

I guide you in gentle, yet powerful self-discovery to efficiently clear the conditioning that pulls you away from your own joy and fulfillment.

Set aside your triggers and instead
move from your own authentic center to:

Somatic coaching works to rewire your brain and nervous system away from old emotional triggers and behavioral patterns to new ways of seeing yourself and showing up in the world. I use an evidence-based practice called EFT tapping, which uses acupoints from Traditional Chinese Medicine alongside reflective questions. 

We first listen to (and learn from) whatever emotional triggers and limiting beliefs are getting in your way—whether at home or at work. Then, we work together to let them go. As you let them go, you may find you unearth possibilities you didn’t know existed and courage you didn’t realize you had. And, better still, the wisdom and clarity to know what to do with them.


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